App of the month – Fluidly!
-“Never take your eyes off the cash flow because it’s the life blood of business” – Richard Branson.
Twenty-twenty – what does it symbolise, my guess is that to nearly everybody it will come to mean the year of COVID-19, government lockdowns, Captain Tom and the NHS superstars. Before this year however twenty-twenty was normally used to denote clear and good vision. Opticians used the expression after a method of testing vision involving reading a chart from 20 feet away.
Business owners and sole traders need twenty-twenty vision to know how their business is performing. Many will know who their better customers are, or who they owe money to, and most will know exactly how much they have in the bank. But what about the future? As unpredictable as it is, cash flow is one of the most important aspects of running a business.
Cash flow forecasting used to involve creating a model of the business in a spreadsheet, which was time-consuming and quickly out of date. Fluidly is an app for Xero users that offers a three-month or twelve-month forecast based on the businesses data. Using Artificial Intelligence to analyse the information available, Fluidly produces an up-to-date cash flow forecast which can be easily changed to show different scenarios in real-time, allowing for better business decisions to be made.
To help monitor their cash flow Lewis Brownlee are offering all their clients who use Xero the ability to use Fluidly Lite for free. This will provide you with a three-month forecast allowing you to monitor your business and its financial position going forward; hopefully leaving you not having to worry about the future so much, this is especially important in these interesting times in which we find ourselves.
If you are interested in working with Lewis Brownlee or using Xero and Fluidly to move your business forward or already are a Xero/Fluidly user and wish to discuss how Lewis Brownlee can help your business, then please feel free to contact us.
You can call us on 01243 782 423 or head to our contact form!