Last night, the Grand Hotel Brighton was the vibrant scene of the Dynamic Awards ceremony! This was an evening dedicated to celebrating the remarkable achievements of businesswomen across the South East. Aimed at highlighting so many outstanding contributions, it also underscored the ongoing journey towards gender parity in the business sector. As ardent supporters of women in business, these awards are naturally very close to our hearts!


The Awards Ceremony


The evening commenced with some eye-opening statistics about gender parity in business. This served as a stark reminder of the work still needed in this area. And, of course, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the awards began to roll out! Each one was testament to the hard work and dedication of the nominees.


Property Professional of the Year Sponsorship


We were particularly excited to see our very own Tax Director, Tom Foster, take to the stage! Tom was tasked with judging and awarding the ‘Property Professional of the Year’ award, a category we were thrilled to sponsor! Huge congratulations go out to all of the finalists, but especially to Sharron Domanska who made an incredible winner!

Sponsoring this category was particularly significant for us here at Lewis Brownlee. As tax specialists with a deep focus on property-related matters, this category aligned perfectly with our expertise and our commitment to excellence within the property sector. It also provided us an excellent platform to acknowledge and reward outstanding achievements in a field that is pivotal to our business operations.

We were then delighted, as expected, to find this category notably competitive! It was filled with so many high-calibre entrants. Tom himself even lamented the difficulty of selecting just one winner from the impressive lineup!


Winners of ‘Company of the Year 2024!’


The highlight of the evening though, was undoubtedly our own win! Sarah Alexander, the powerhouse Managing Director behind Lewis Brownlee, was honoured with the ‘Company of the Year’ award. Naturally, we are all ecstatic and there is a real buzz in the office today.

This accolade, for us, is a testament to Sarah’s visionary leadership and the collective effort of our while team. Furthermore, it symbolises our commitment to the levels of excellence and innovation that we, at Lewis Brownlee, believe all businesses should strive to achieve. So, for us, it is more than just a recognition of success; it is a benchmark of our values, our dedication, and our future direction! We simply could not be more proud!


A Night to Remember


So, there we have it! The Dynamic Awards ceremony was indeed a night to remember, filled with inspiration and celebration. As we reflect on the success of the evening, we are reminded of the importance of recognising leadership and excellence in the business community. As such, we extend our heartiest congratulations to all the nominees and winners who are shaping the future of business!

In closing, the Dynamic Awards serve as a beacon for what we are all striving to achieve in business and community leadership. This fantastic evening was not only a celebration of individual achievements but also a collective progress toward greater diversity and inclusion in the business world. We simply could not applaud this more. So, ‘Congratulations!” again to all those who were recognised last night, and here’s to more groundbreaking achievements in the future!


If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about P11D’s, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

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