Lewis Brownlee: Proud Sponsors of Midhurst and it’s Cabaret
As the world continues its journey toward recovery, the arts remain a salient beacon of hope, inspiration, and unity. At Lewis Brownlee, we deeply understand the profound influence that the arts have on society. We know they serve as a mirror to our collective experiences, aspirations, and emotions. That’s why we are excited to announce our sponsorship of the Midhurst’s Cabaret show tomorrow night.
Featuring the enchanting Dawn Gracie, we are thrilled to play a role in the ‘Madhurst’ Arts Festival celebrations. It truly promises to be an evening imbued with talent, allure, and the indefatigable spirit of the community.
Why sponsoring the arts if so important
The reason for our enthusiastic support of the arts is two-fold. Firstly, the arts act as a powerful medium of storytelling, reminding us of our shared humanity. It is through these narratives – be it music, dance, or theatre – that we find solace, joy, and a sense of belonging. The arts also stimulate our local economies, provide employment, and attract tourism, underlining their multifaceted significance.
Secondly, it’s a manifestation of our commitment to the communities we serve. Communities are the lifeblood of any locale, and their well-being directly influences the success and vibrancy of the businesses therein. Midhurst is no exception.
Earlier this year, our resilient community faced significant challenges with the closure of North Street, a central artery in our beloved town. Many local businesses grappled with unforeseen difficulties, bearing the brunt of this closure. But in true Midhurst spirit, instead of succumbing to adversity, the community came together, demonstrating tenacity, camaraderie, and innovation. Lewis Brownlee was deeply moved by this display of unity, and we are truly honoured to be part of such a tight-knit, indomitable community.
Celebrating the future of Midhurst businesses
Sponsoring the Cabaret is not just about an evening of exceptional performance. It’s a nod to our past challenges, a celebration of our present, and an optimistic gaze into a promising future. It’s about revitalising our local businesses, celebrating the arts, and reinforcing our commitment to the community.
As the evening draws nearer, our anticipation grows. We earnestly believe that the Midhurst ‘Madhurst’ Arts Festival will serve as a testament to our town’s character, resilience, and unyielding spirit. The dazzling performance by Dawn Gracie at the Cabaret is not just a show – it’s a symphony of our collective journey, aspirations, and triumphs. So, to put it simply, we can’t wait to see you there!
If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about your accounts, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!
We also update our YouTube Channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube channel.