What is a Virtual FC – the Joys of the Virtual Finance Controller

The accountancy world has changed dramatically in recent years. In a bid to harness the power of technology, this profession like so many others, has moved increasingly online. So, the advent of the Virtual Finance Controller (Virtual FC) was perhaps only a matter of time. Indeed companies (like ours!) that fully embrace technological improvements, have been keen to see how it can benefit clients. As such, at Lewis Brownlee we are proud to have this offering in place. So, let’s showcase the many advantages it can bring to your business!


What is a Virtual Finance Controller?


A Virtual Finance Controller (Virtual FC) is essentially a finance expert who offers services remotely, rather than being physically present at a company’s office. This role combines strategic financial planning, monitoring, and reporting, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions without the overhead costs associated with a full-time, in-house financial controller.


The Benefits: More Than Just Cost-Savings


A key advantage of employing a Virtual FC is access to specialised financial knowledge as and when you need it. This can range from strategic planning to optimising cash flow or even mergers and acquisitions. So, a Virtual FC can be a catalyst for growth, allowing businesses to scale efficiently and effectively but in a much more affordable way than having a permanent member of full-time staff. Particularly for small-medium businesses, this can be a real boon in getting ahead in the business world.


Flexibility and Scalability


Virtual Finance Controllers also offer an unparalleled level of flexibility. Whether it’s a start-up in its infancy or a well-established enterprise, a Virtual FC can adapt to the needs of the business, scaling services up or down as required. At Lewis Brownlee, our Virtual FCs very much makes the most of each business’s unique setup and requirements to tailor the best way forward for them. For us, it’s about building relationships and really getting to know the businesses we serve so that our Virtual FC offering remains the best it can be!


Real-world Applications: Virtual FCs in Action


The cost saving implications of the Virtual FC obviously make it an attractive option for many businesses. So, here’s some real-world case studies of how they have benefitted existing businesses today:


Case Study 1: Streamlining Operations

A small-scale manufacturing firm was struggling with inconsistent cash flow and had several inefficiencies in its accounting processes. Upon employing a Virtual FC, the firm was able to streamline its operations, resulting in a 15% increase in profitability within the first quarter.


Case Study 2: Strategic Growth


A tech start-up, aiming for rapid expansion, employed a Virtual FC to manage its finances. The Virtual Finance Controller not only improved their financial reporting but also provided strategic insights that guided the company in making informed investment decisions. As a result, the start-up secured significant venture capital funding and has since expanded into new markets.


The Lewis Brownlee Virtual FC Offering


At Lewis Brownlee, we understand the complexities and challenges that businesses face. That’s why our Virtual FC service is tailored to meet you and your business’s specific needs. Our Virtual Finance Controllers can assist with strategic planning, financial modelling, risk assessment, and more. With our expertise, we aim to provide robust financial solutions that can navigate the volatile business environment, ensuring sustainable growth and profitability.


The Financial Future is Virtual


From what we have seen, the Virtual FC is not just a trend; it’s a viable, efficient solution for modern businesses looking to optimise their financial operations. With the right expertise and strategic guidance, a Virtual Finance Controller can be a game-changing addition to your team.


By integrating a Virtual FC into your business strategy, you not only cut costs but also gain access to on-demand financial expertise that can drive your business forward, making it a win-win situation for modern enterprises looking to adapt, scale, and thrive. We’d love to help you there! So, if you are interested in finding out more about our Virtual FC offering, please do call us on 01243 782 423 and let’s see how we can help partner in your success!


If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about your accounts, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

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