At Lewis Brownlee, community support is more than just a core value—it’s a commitment to making a lasting impact. We understand that while we can’t help everyone, we strive to make a difference where we can. Recently, we had the pleasure of helping Park Gate County Primary School with their fundraising efforts for a new play area. This experience reinforced an important lesson for businesses: no matter the size of your contribution, supporting your community is an essential part of thriving within it.


Getting Involved


We were thrilled when Park Gate County Primary School reached out to us with their fundraising idea. We always love to hear what people are doing and welcome any opportunity to make meaningful change. As a firm that values community support, we knew we wanted to help and everyone agreed that it would be a privilege to be part of a project that will benefit so many children in the years to come.


The Impact of Community Support


Supporting local projects like this isn’t just about giving money; it’s about investing in the future. We believe that by creating spaces where children can play, learn, and develop, we are helping to nurture the next generation of leaders. Who knows? Perhaps some of the children enjoying the new play area will grow up to be accountants, entrepreneurs, or community leaders!


Our Commitment to Ongoing Community Support


This contribution to Park Gate County Primary School is just one example of how we like to get involved. Community support is something we actively seek out, and we encourage others to do the same. It’s not always about the size of the contribution, but about the difference it makes. 


Encouraging Other Businesses to Embrace Community Support


So, as we reflect on our involvement with Park Gate County Primary School, we encourage other businesses to consider their own Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) missions. Whether large or small, every business has the potential to make a positive impact on their community.

It’s not about the size of the contribution, but the commitment to making a difference. By asking ourselves how we can support those around us, we unlock opportunities to create meaningful change. Whether through time, resources, or expertise, there’s always something we can do to help.

So, as you look to your own CSR goals, think about the ways you can contribute to the greater good. Every action, no matter how small, can have a lasting impact. So, have a think today and let’s celebrate those opportunities that come our way to make a difference that counts!

If you’d like to speak to one of our experts, please call 01243 782 423. Alternatively, please email us from our contact page and we will be in touch!

We also update our YouTube channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube